Digital Seductions Blog


Countess in Crimson Demo

Exciting news! We’re proud to share with you a demo for Countess in Crimson, available to download and play for free! Just click the button below to download the installer file:



The demo contains first two chapters of the game, which should give you a good idea of how the gameplay feels like with the caveat that later chapters offer more in terms of free roaming and player agency (and of course, way more of the spicy content). Please note that some of the features intended for the full release (most notably the character screen, options, tutorials, galleries, achievements and manual saving) are disabled in this demo and there’s no need to contact us to request those.

As always, feedback is highly appreciated (good or bad, as long as it’s constructive). If you wish to share your impressions of the demo or report a bug you encountered, either post a comment here, use our Contact Form or send an email to

Since tutorials are not available in the demo, here’s some useful info on the game controls:

(Left Click) Perform Action / Advance Dialogue
(Right Click) Open Inventory
(Space) Advance Dialogue / Pause Cutscene
(Esc) Enter Menu / Skip Cutscene
(S) Show Points of Interest


Note: Windows Defender SmartScreen may show you a warning when running the installer. The installer is not malicious in any way, it’s just unknown to Windows and will hopefully get whitelisted once more users run in. To bypass the SmartScreen warning, choose “More info” > “Run anyway”.


  1. Avatar

    Andy - 08/05/2022 18:07

    Looking good! Any chance you’ll make happy mac users also?

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 08/05/2022 20:27

      Sorry, that’s not planned. Gaming on Mac in a niche thing (very small market compared to PC, even more for lewd games) and then we’d have to provide technical support on a platform we’re not familiar with.

  2. Avatar

    Cockworklover69 - 23/03/2022 13:45

    Really loved cockwork industries! Played the demo and loved it ! My only complain or nitpick with most these types game is that the women usually have some really nice and big boobs yet the MC never really does anything with them! Sure there are some boob jobs here and there but i would be great if we get some tit squeezing while having sex! I mean , its just a minor nitpick๐Ÿ˜… but rarely do i see it in these kinda games!!! Anyway, im really looking forward to a Full release! God bless u guys!

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 23/03/2022 17:36

      Thanks and noted. We’ll keep your feedback in mind for future sex scenes ๐Ÿ™‚.

  3. Avatar

    Mountaingoat - 16/02/2022 01:35

    I just tried out the demo and i really loved it! Have been a fan of Cockwork industries for a while and for some reason i finally bothered to check this out. The animations are really good, dialogue options are awesome and the sex scenes tying into the story, while having the option to watch or skip it is really nice also. Can’t wait to play the full game, i hope the testing and stuff goes well ๐Ÿ™‚ Also the horror and mystery elements is really awesome, and the little trailer at the end of the demo really got me excited to see more of the other women in the game!

  4. Avatar

    Shader - 06/02/2022 13:02

    Hello! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ve played the demo and I can see that animations are vastly improved in comparison to previous game. I know you are still in development phase, but can we expect an some kind of update on that this month?

  5. Avatar

    Tom - 05/02/2022 22:30

    Hey Hello! Are there any news about the progress of the game or is there any chance to release the game in march?

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 05/02/2022 22:42

      We’re nearing the end of development, but then there’s still a lot of testing and bug fixing to be done before the game is ready for release.

      Releasing in March is still possible, but rather unlikely, to be honest. As I mentioned before, it all depends on how well the testing goes. We should know more by the end of the month.

  6. Avatar

    Testbench - 20/01/2022 09:41

    Almost 4 months since this update now.

    Is everything still going as planned?

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 20/01/2022 14:53

      Yes, we’ve gone radio silent to focus on finishing the game. I’ll probably post some update soon to reassure everyone.

  7. Avatar

    cockworkfan - 17/01/2022 17:00

    DEMO is so great that i can’t wait to see full game.So will there be more males except MC?

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 17/01/2022 21:09

      Do you mean as a romance option? Then the answer is no. We don’t plan to include a gay romance option in this game.

  8. Avatar

    The Poet - 02/01/2022 12:39

    Hope you guys are doing well and we’ll get that release date soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Avatar

    intervent - 17/12/2021 18:53

    We haven’t heard from you for a long time. Is everything ok, are you still alive and well?

  10. Avatar

    watcherseven - 18/11/2021 10:17

    Purchased Cockwork Industries on Steam and will be grabbing this one on day one! Great Demo! Love the futa and you could do worse than have the MC get involved with the futas too ๐Ÿ™‚ You would be surprised how many are into that fetish. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot and say there aren’t futa fetish fans out there. Offer the obligatory option to opt out, but also keep the content in for the masses that do want them in the game with no restrictions. That demon should most definitely take the MC when possible.

  11. Avatar

    Kreamster - 16/11/2021 00:55

    Was really enjoying it up to the futa garbage, way to ruin it

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    BobiP5 - 07/11/2021 01:52

    Wow, just wow. Such a great little tease for the game before the release. Everything looks amazing and beautiful. Great scenes and also didn’t think you were going to put a futa scene immediately in the demo, that was a nice surprise, loved it. Left me wanting for so much more. I can’t wait for the full game, definitely getting it as soon as it gets here. Also just a quick question if I may, is there going to be any futa on male scenes (probably optional cause most people aren’t into that stuff) or is it strictly futa on female? Don’t matter either way I’m gonna get this mastapiece when it arrives.

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 07/11/2021 02:06

      Thanks! There will only be girl-on-futa scenes as this is generally preferable by most enthusiasts of this fetish. We might also add some futa-on-futa scenes in the future.

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        BobiP5 - 07/11/2021 16:25

        Ah got it, makes sense. A bit of a shame, cause I remember there was an optional gay scene in Cockwork so I maybe thought there was a chance for some futa/male here but fair enough, maybe in some DLC or future games :P. Still can’t wait for full game and keep up the great work! <3

  13. Avatar

    The Poet - 17/10/2021 21:03

    Ehm.. so how about that release date? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 17/10/2021 21:25

      Yeah, we talked about this lately and decided the most accurate estimate we can give you right now is Q1 2022. I know many of you expected the game to be out this year, but realistically that’s not possible.

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        Tom - 15/01/2022 11:17

        Heey! Has there been anything more accurate about the release date since then?

        • Astaroth [admin]

          Astaroth [admin] - 15/01/2022 14:48

          No. We’re doing our best to make it within the Q1 2022. Truth is, we won’t be able to give an exact release date until the game is finished and we’re well into testing and we’re not there yet.

  14. Avatar

    Takola - 17/10/2021 12:47

    how do you make demon not futa?

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 17/10/2021 18:13

      Well, you can’t change the character, but you can skip the futa scenes if you don’t like them. The demon girl will have non-futa scenes later in the game.

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        Cebs - 09/11/2021 11:34

        Why would you make the player wait till later in the game instead of a decision upfront? This looks like it wont be worth the purchase at all

  15. Avatar

    Ridoz - 10/10/2021 04:22

    Played the demo, looking forward to release. Also really enjoyed Cockwork Industries with my favorite Andrea. Great times for quality releases with your stuff and Subverse and Critical Bliss publishing the pixelteishoku, Libra Heart games.

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      Khamul - 12/10/2021 00:51

      Andrea? I see you’re a man of culture as well

  16. Avatar

    Keebz - 07/10/2021 20:37

    I have a thing for girls wearing converse shots, and was pleased to see Ashley equipped with those. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope we can get a couple sexier shots with those since the models are already made. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ Great demo though! Gave me Resident Evil 4 vibes, which is never a bad thing.

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 07/10/2021 22:48

      Thanks. All of Ashley’s content for the base game is already done, but we’ll keep your request in mind for future additions.

  17. Avatar

    B C - 07/10/2021 15:56

    Graphics are stunning and the story is interesting! Are the adult scenes going to be expanded in the full release? One animation and an aftermath image seems a little short (although the quality is amazing)
    A great demo, looking forward to the full game!

  18. Avatar

    Saltydogmk - 04/10/2021 02:34

    I discovered your demo today on Steam, via the Next Fest event they have going on.
    Your game caught my eye, because I’ve been enjoying adult visual novels lately.
    And I found it peculiar to see one on Steam, especially one made by an actual studio.

    The music in the demo is fantastic, I cannot wait to listen to more of it.
    The character models were great, and I saw nothing wrong with the sex scenes.
    I’m uncertain as to how lengthy you plan on making the game.
    But if the game has multiple endings or branching story paths.
    I’m certain the replay value would be pretty decent.

    In conclusion, I’m interested in seeing how this game turns out.
    I wish you luck in your development cycle.

  19. Avatar

    Joe W - 02/10/2021 21:59

    Thanks for the update! This is really good so far. I only played through once but I’ll play again to see how decisions affect the game play.

    I love the artwork so far! I can see why it takes a long time to develop. Keep up the good work.

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 02/10/2021 22:19

      Apart from seeing different dialogue lines, your choices won’t really affect anything in the demo. It seems we should manage expectations – your choices and actions will matter in the full game (for unlocking additional sex scenes, achievements, endings, etc.), but this is not an RPG, where each playthrough can offer a significantly different experience.

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        jay jones - 03/10/2021 00:41

        So your choices and actions can give you Additional adult sceans and endings.This game just keeps getting better and better all the time. Hopefully we wont have to wait much longer but if we do Ill understand .

  20. Avatar

    Jegg - 02/10/2021 06:50

    Yeah the blowjob was really bland, and looked weird (Like what is that dick model.) I hope you improve the sex scenes. They’re just single animation loops, no escalation, no climax. I mean besides that the visuals are great, but if you fail on the main draw that doesn’t really matter

  21. Avatar

    Jay - 01/10/2021 18:10

    This is a great demo.Good graphics and sound effects.The dialogue is great and keeps you tuned into the game.The adult sceans are good but a bit short though It would be cool to see the creamy finish.The MC is likeable and is set in a medieval setting I cant wait for more.

  22. Avatar

    Khamul - 29/09/2021 19:01

    my bet! A few days before or on the day of halloween! I’m already looking forward to the game!

  23. Avatar

    kimi - 28/09/2021 20:07


  24. Avatar

    Khamul - 28/09/2021 17:18

    Amazing demo, by the way

    I just want to know when is it coming out, because the game looks great!

  25. Avatar

    The Poet - 28/09/2021 17:11

    Definitely looks like an improvement over the last game. Horror/Mystery elements are right up my alley. Would buy in a heartbeat. The only question is – when is it coming out?

    • Astaroth [admin]

      Astaroth [admin] - 28/09/2021 17:18

      We’re not sure yet, but as this question keeps getting asked all the time, is seems we can’t stall you guys for much longer ๐Ÿ˜€. We’ll try to come up with a safe estimate as soon as we can.

  26. Avatar

    Sam - 28/09/2021 11:24

    Well… I just wanted to say: WOOW! Nice job again! Cockwork Industries was a “game changer” Art work, but this already a masterpiece, I feel it. This demo is really promising. It was worth the investment of work and time for everyone, who worked on this game. The atmosphere, the animations, the dialouges and the detailes makes this game great. After discovering and interacting, you feel yourself more rewarded to watch those sex scenes. I mean this is not just a mindless “go and have sex” game.
    I did not notice any bugs. The futa scene was really nice built in. It was so unexpected and exciting and sexy at the same time. ๐Ÿ˜€ This mystery line was good for it. I like all kind of scenes, but I would love to play the game with only futas in it, or you could choose to have a straight or futa scene. It would be great, but this is not a “bad point” of the game, its just an idea, for the future games, maybe in the upcoming DLC ๐Ÿ˜›
    I see you guys evolving. I hope, you will make more games like this or bigger games in the future. ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Avatar

    miuse - 28/09/2021 00:57

    yeah I dunno about this with all the futa talk

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      kimi - 28/09/2021 18:19

      I’m not a native English speaker,so forgive me for the mistakes I might make.
      I definitely gonna buy this game for it’s great idea and greater execution.But I do have some questions/suggestions it.The first two chapters contains about 10-15 mins of gameplay,but maybe the plot goes too fast and a little bit too predictable.Maybe the dialogue of that guy we met in the bar who lost his wife could be changed into some chanting.And don’t let the futa girl mention any other characters.I think a little bit lovecraftian would really help the plot.
      2077 and Subverse both costs 40 bucks๏ผŒLust from beyond costs 20 ,the Cockwork Indistries cost 10.As for this game I ‘m willing to pay 40 bucks for over 18 chapters and more than 5 hours๏ผˆmaybe 4 and half for native English speakers๏ผ‰ gameplay and a damn good story.That is my opinion and I don’t know if that is a fair price.
      By the way,can we except the full release in 2021 or early 2022?
      Thanks for your effort!

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        kimi - 28/09/2021 18:37

        why does it looks like I replied the miuse dude.I was intended to write a normal comment…

        • Astaroth [admin]

          Astaroth [admin] - 28/09/2021 19:31

          You probably clicked “reply” under the top comment instead of scrolling down and using the comment box. Don’t worry, though, it’s clearly visible anyway. Also, thanks for your feedback ๐Ÿ™‚.


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