Countess in Crimson follows the story of Josh and Ashley – a young couple stranded somewhere in the Carpathian Mountains who eventually find themselves in a secluded village whose denizens live in the shadow of a menacing castle towering over the landscape, in which the mysterious Countess resides.
Preview – Tales of Pleasure update
White Swan, Black Soul
Watch the innocent ballerina get viciously pounded by an incubus in this unique and athmospheric image set.
Preview – Tales of Pleasure update
Only the Worthy: Image Set The first futanari feature in Tales of Pleasure! See Evelyn and her slave perform some rough hardcore sex. The comic telling the story behind this set is coming next! Available now at Tales of Pleasure!
Tales of Pleasure goes futa + new blog poll
Hi there!
Since a lot you guys asked for it in your pm’s, from now on Tales of Pleasure will also feature futanari. Looks like dick girls are the most popular fetish among 3DX fans and it can no longer be ignored ;-).
Gallery – Tales of Pleasure #1 (Zip download)
Meet Evelyn
Here is the first free Tales of Pleasure gallery introducing Evelyn, the official Tales of Pleasure mascot! You may remember her from some of our promo images. She will feature regularly in both hardcore and lesbian scenarios available at Tales of Pleasure, so be sure to check her out!
Preview – Tales of Pleasure launch content
Have a sneak peak into the launch content available at Tales of Pleasure.