Being a pirate is not all about brute force and raw violence. When situation calls for subtlety and subterfuge, the Honey Traps seduce and intoxicate crew members of other ships, extracting information about cargo and planned routes.
General Update
And update on what’s been going on this year and plans for the nearest future.
Forbidden Festivities (Forbidden Curiosities Development Update)
An update on Forbidden Curiosities development with a Halloween-themed flavor.
Countess in Crimson Development Update #7
A quick notice regarding current development.
Countess in Crimson: Magdalena First Look
Today we’d like to introduce to you the next girl coming to Countess in Crimson as a romance option.
Countess in Crimson Updates Roadmap
Time to expand on what you can expect from Countess in Crimson in the future.
Countess in Crimson Development Update #6
Countess in Crimson is nearing the end of its development.
Countess in Crimson Development Update #5
The first teaser for Countess in Crimson is here!
Countess in Crimson Development Update #4
Development progress recap for Countess in Crimson.
Countess in Crimson Development Update #3
Details regarding progression and content unlocking in Countess in Crimson.