An update on Forbidden Curiosities development with a Halloween-themed flavor.

An update on Forbidden Curiosities development with a Halloween-themed flavor.
A sweeter side of certain futa-gal.
Welcome to second Mansion of Evil Pleasures update. This post was supposed to be long and filled with small details, but it’s 5 AM and I’m kind of unconscious. So just the most important stuff from behind the scenes of MoEP development – at this moment I’m mostly occupied with[…]
Meet Alisson Pain, M.D. An inspirational woman, striving to bring her dream of empty playgrounds into fruition.
Candi is about to debut in her own ongoing Sodom Sluts comic series, so it seems like a good idea to introduce you to some of her best friends – crazy goth gals that share Candi’s affection for weird fetishes and support her in her zany antics.
40 hi-res pictures of Madame Kringle training her favorite reindeer.
See what we’re currently working on.
It’s time (OK, maybe it’s actually a little late to do that, but there was good reason for that) to sum up the results of our poll. Girl on girl options blew the “straight” stuff out of the water.
First part in trilogy investigating true meaning of religion and faith. Sodom Sluts way!
It’s summertime! Candi is hornier than ever. And kind of undecided with whom and how she should spend her summer break. Check her profiles below and vote in our pool.